Statement: In response to Governor Cuomo’s child care tax credit proposal

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Press Releases

Karen Scharff, Executive Director of Citizen Action of NY, said:

“Governor Cuomo’s expansion of the child care tax credit is a step in the right direction, but he needs to go much farther in his Executive Budget toward addressing the unmet child care needs in New York State.

Only 17 percent of eligible low-income families are able to access subsidized child care services because of the state’s underfunding, leaving affordable, quality child care out of reach for the vast majority of families making under $50,000. To meet this need, the Governor’s budget proposal should include a significant additional investment in child care subsidies.

It’s time to tap the existing wealth of New York, starting with the extension and expansion of the millionaires’ tax, to help the families of New York. Funding child care so that every working family has access to affordable quality child care is a critical step toward an economy that works for all New Yorkers.”
