Health Care Teach-In, New York City, August 20, 2009
With some Republicans screeching “death squads” and others warning seniors of their impending rationing and decrease in coverage, polls show great confusion and a general lack of knowledge about the specifics of health care reform. For example, many believe that all Americans, even those currently with a private insurance plan, must sign up on a public option plan run by the government. Another false belief is that we cannot possibly fund a health care reform plan that covers all Americans while still having enough resources left for other priorities such as education, defense, and infrastructure.
In response, Public Policy and Education Fund of New York, Fiscal Policy Institute, and New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness created two powerpoint presentations for use at teach-ins held across New York. With midterm elections in 2010, many centrists Democrats and Republicans are unsure how to speak with their constituents, but the following slides clearly show that the rancorous screeches that took place in August can be calmly dispelled–that is, with the truth.
President Obama is also looking to clarify the partisan shout-fest that blanketed August in a prime time speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday 9/9. President Obama previewed his Wednesday prime-time address at the AFL-CIO’s Labor Day celebration in Cincinnati, OH, once again underlining his support of a public option and emphasizing that the time to act on reform is now. Yet, it’s not clear what ideas will form the final bill as many members of Congress are offering proposals. It has also been reported that the administration is preparing its own set of proposals.
Please take the time to review the following slides, which are also narrated by Citizen Action’s Capital District Organizer Chris Scoville, before tomorrow’s prime-time address. You will be able to listen with an informed ear and to hold the Democrats to pass a plan with a robust public option.
Please remember that the specifics are accurate only as of September 1, 2009 because the relevant bills are being actively revised in Congress. Consult us or other reputable sources such as the White House’s Reality Check, Media Matters Action Network, AARP. Perhaps the most well-known and well-respected website on health care policy, the Kaiser Family Foundation, has collected detailed information on health care reform on its web site, including comparisons of the major bills in Congress.
We can organize for appearances at other events. Please contact Bob Cohen.