bill thompson

Citizen Action of New York has endorsed Bill Thompson for Mayor of New York City.

Thompson, a life-long New York City resident, has served in many capacities as a public servant since his graduation from college–most recently as an effective and widely supported two term City Comptroller.

An idealist with the practical experience and a strong work ethic, Thompson will be a mayor of integrity and vigor.

After ignoring New York City residents’ explicit demand for a 2-term limit, passed by the voters twice, Bloomberg is now using his billions to buy his way into a third term.

Bill Thompson will be a mayor for all New Yorkers, and he deserves our support and vote.  With election day approaching on November 3rd, Bill Thompson can still use our strength and energy to propel him to victory.  Visit his website to sign up to volunteer on the campaign! Please add your support for a vibrant and progressive New York City.

Also, be sure vote on the Working Families Party Row–“Row E”–on election day. Bill Thompson has also been endorsed by the Working Families Party. By voting on Row E, we’ll demonstrate our support for our progressive values.