Senator Eric Schneiderman speaks at the campaign kickoff event for the Coalition to End Prison-Based Gerrymandering in New York.
Today, Citizen Action of New York announced that we have endorsed State Senator Eric Schneiderman in his campaign for New York State Attorney General. This is Citizen Action’s first endorsement for the 2010 statewide elections.
Senator Schneiderman has been a lifelong progressive champion, with a proven track record in fighting for the interests of consumers and working families.
Just last year, Eric authored historic legislation that ended the draconian and racist Rockefeller Drug Laws that required judges to impose harsh sentences for drug offenses. The reforms enacted put drug treatment first and allow judges more discretion to provide treatment to drug addicted individuals, and impose stronger penalties on drug kingpins.
Also last year, Eric led the fight for Ian’s Law, which stopped the disgusting practice of insurance companies cancelling full lines of coverage (effectively pulling their product off the shelves) in order to avoid paying claims for sick patients.
Citizen Action has worked closely with Senator Schneiderman for years, and for that reason, the statewide Board of Citizen Action voted unanimously to give him an early endorsement in this election.
Click here for the article that appeared in today’s City Hall News.