While the media, pundits, and politicians will all offer their own perspectives on what last night’s election means, one thing is very clear to me: our movement is strong.

Eric Schneiderman’s victory in the Democratic Primary for New York State Attorney General is without doubt a step forward for equality, justice, and democracy.

But this victory also marks the clear and undeniable reality that the progressive movement for change has the momentum to realize the equality, justice, and democracy that New York so desperately needs.

Each one of you – whether you spent dozens of hours on the phones or knocking on doors, told your friends and neighbors about the campaign, or even just voted in this Primary – you made the difference, and you are why our movement is so strong.

But, as I’m sure you’re aware, our job is only half done. This election has shown that when we, Citizen Action of New York, come together with progressive organizations and our allies in the labor movement as one coherent voice for change, we can win.

Round two is next in the campaign for a people’s Attorney General in New York. We need a true progressive in the Attorney General’s office.

Our ability to make an impact on elections is entirely reliant on members of Citizen Action like you. I need your help once again to make sure we can keep fighting for Eric and our slate of progressives going into November.

Can you chip in just $5 or more right now to keep us fighting?

The Attorney General’s race wasn’t our only win last night. In fact, each and every candidate endorsed by Citizen Action won.

In New York City, Gustavo Rivera beat out coup leader Pedro Espada. Adriano Espaillat won the primary to take over Eric Schneiderman’s seat in the State Senate. Velmanette Montgomery, Bill Perkins, and Kevin Parker all won their primaries to return to the State Senate. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney won a strong victory.

In the Capital District, our progressive partner Senator Neil Breslin won his hard-fought primary.

In Syracuse, Sam Roberts won a resounding victory to take retiring Assemblywoman Joan Christensen’s seat.

And in Western New York, Tim Kennedy, the clear progressive choice, beat 28-year incumbent Bill Stachowski. Senator Antoine Thompson and Assemblyman Sam Hoyt both beat our their challengers.

Citizen Action made a difference in each of these races. Our volunteers in every region of the state worked tirelessly to make these results possible. This election is a testament to our values.

In round two, as Election Day nears, we need to make sure we take full advantage of the momentum we have. We need you support to keep our momentum – and our movement – strong.

Click here to chip in just $5 or more to keep building our movement!

I’m so proud of the work we all did, together.

Let’s get ready for the next one!

A sincere thank you for all you do,

Karen Scharff
Executive Director
Citizen Action of New York