The New York organizations released an analysis by the Fiscal Policy Institute finding that a proposal by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh) to extend all of the Bush tax cuts and to cut $101 billion in funding fornon-security discretionary programs would hit New York where it hurts – to the tune of $6 billion.

“More tax cuts for the wealthy will mean pain for working families in New York and other states,” said Karen Scharff, Citizen Action of New York Executive Director. “We shouldn’t cut health care, education, job creation and basic services in our neighborhoods to provide additional benefits to the wealthiest Americans who don’t need the money and won’t spend the tax cuts they receive in our communities. We need to restore basic fairness to our federal tax policies by ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.”

Americans for Responsible Taxes Press Release

Federal Tax Policy at a Crossroads

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Historical Tax Breakdown