A Special Post-Election Message from Karen Scharff, Executive Director, Citizen Action of New York

Karen Scharff, Executive Director
After a very long night of watching election returns, there’s one thing that is very clear to me today: as progressives, now is no time to hide.
While Democrats in New York and across the country suffered from a wide-spread anti-incumbent, frustrated sentiment, Eric Schneiderman won a resounding victory.
Eric’s campaign to be our next Attorney General created a discussion about the values we all share as New Yorkers and Americans. He wasn’t afraid to highlight his commitment to justice and his progressive positions on the issues that matter most to the people of New York.
And you worked hard to make sure New Yorkers heard his positions and his progressive record. That’s why he won.
As progressives, our best weapon in politics is our values – because when it comes down to it, our values aren’t progressive or conservative, Democratic or Republican. Our values are human values. And when we don’t hide from our values, we win.
That’s why I’m asking you and 20,000 other members of Citizen Action to pledge, right now, to be a proud progressive!
Click here to pledge to be a proud progressive right now!
Unemployment is at almost 10%, millions don’t have access to the health care they need, and far too many kids aren’t getting the education they deserve.
But, the answer is not “making government smaller,” “cutting spending,” or “people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.” The answer is investment in our communities. The answer is people coming together to build a just society that makes all of us stronger. The answer is in our values as progressives – and we can’t back down.
In the next two months, Congress is going to face three important issues in their lame-duck session. They need to extend unemployment, let the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire, and keep their hands off Social Security.
There’s no doubt our tasks will be difficult. But this is no time to hide. We’re going to win on these three issues, and more, if we stand up and shout from the rooftops that our values are what will make our nation stronger – because our values are everyone’s values.
We’re progressive, and we’re proud of it. So, dust yourself off and get ready to change the way we fight.
Thanks for all you do,
Karen Scharff
Executive Director
Citizen Action of New York
PS – Want to read more about what this election means for Proud Progressives? Here’s two great articles:
1. Marshall Ganz, How Obama lost his voice, and how he can get it back, Los Angeles Times
2. Bob Creamer, What Yesterday’s Election Means for Progressives, The Huffington Post