Over the last four years, Verizon has reported $19.5 billion in profits and paid out $258 million to its top five executives. Now, they’re trying to short-change their employees. With contracts scheduled to expire on August 6th, Verizon has produced its most aggressive contract demands ever – demands that would threaten the financial well-being of its employees and their families.Verizon is trying to freeze current workers’ pensions (eliminating them entirely for future workers), allow the outsourcing of more jobs, replace negotiated wage increases with merit pay, severely cut sick and vacation days, and eviscerate health care plans for current and retired employees.
Refusing to sit back and allow the immense greed of so few to seriously impact the life of so many, dozens of CWA Local 118 members rallied
for the second time in front of Verizon’s Albany office on State Street.
On Saturday, we’ll be joining with thousands of CWA and IBEW workers to defend middle class jobs and fight corporate greed in a massive rally outside of Verizon’s corporate headquarters in Lower Manhattan. Can you join us? Learn more