A job ad, including current employment clause.

The economic concept of a “cycle of poverty” has been around for a while. But one key component of this cycle that we all probably didn’t realize existed was revealed in a recent New York Times piece. Apparently, you need to already be employed to get a job.

So corporate America – the job creators of our great nation – are now making employment a prerequisite for job applicants. Umm… Ms. Bachmann, can you tell me how big corporations are supposed to solve our unemployment crisis if they won’t hire anyone who is unemployed?

Our friends at USAction have started an effort to get big job listing companies, like Monster.com and CareerBuilder.com to stop taking ads from companies who require applicants to be employed.

Take a minute right now and sign their petition. Click here to sign now.

Trickle-down economics doesn’t work. Almost 10% unemployment and significantly higher underemployment proves it.

We need a real job creation program in New York and America. And we need bold politicians who have the guts to say so and to do something about it.