by | Jul 11, 2012 | Press Releases


House GOP Now 0-for-31 Against Obamacare After Yet Another Failed Vote to Repeal Historic Health Care Reform

New York – Today, as House Republicans made their 31st attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the landmark health care reform law passed in 2010, Citizen Action of New York called on New York State’s 8 Republican Members of Congress to stop putting profits and politics before people.

Millions of people across the country and over 1 million New Yorkers are already enjoying the benefits of the historic legislation, including those with life-threatening illnesses who no longer face caps on benefits, young people who can now receive coverage through their parents’ plan, children who can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition, and seniors who are now able to afford their prescription drugs.

“For the sake of the House Republicans, I hope sour grapes are covered under Obamacare,” said Karen Scharff, Executive Director of Citizen Action of New York. “Seriously, it’s time to move on. The 31st time is not the charm. Instead of trying to yet again repeal Obamacare, the Republicans should pour their efforts into passing the President’s jobs bill.”

Citizen Action of New York, with over 20,000 members and seven chapters across New York, worked tirelessly to ensure the passage of Obamacare and continues to work on ensuring the New York State health insurance exchange is implemented in a way that is beneficial to New York’s health care consumers.
