By flickr user thelotuscarroll
Good morning!
Something new! We’ve started Justice Works Radio – it’s a weekly podcast with discussion about a variety of news and progressive activity in New York and beyond. Listen to episode 1 here. (I’ll include iTunes and other podcast service links next time.)
Students in Rochester, in particular minority and disabled students, are being suspended at staggering rates. New data provided by Metro Justice shows that 88% of suspensions last year were for nonviolent offenses. Democrat & Chronicle
–Metro Justice will hold a press conference today at School 17 to highlight the data. More here.
Schumer and Gillibrand to vote against KXL. The Senate will vote today to authorize construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. Our Senators from NY will vote against. Last week, three NY Democratic members of the House voted in favor. Capital New York
Skelos wants lawmaker pay hike vote this year, but not minimum wage. He said he doesn’t support a minimum wage increase (that’s already happening), fair elections, or the DREAM Act. Capital New York
Parents in Rochester are worried about program cuts when school grant funding ends. “Jim Bearden, of the Alliance for Quality Education, says, “So that’s the demand that we’ve been making, that the state live up to the foundation aid promise.” WHEC
Republicans use anonymous Twitter accounts to coordinate. By using Twitter accounts that no one would ever know to look for, and writing tweets that contain internal polling data, Republicans we’re able to claim that the polling data was released publicly, thus avoiding violation of campaign finance laws. CNN
Syracuse is extremely segregated. A new report by CNY Fair Housing shows that Syracuse and Onondaga County are “hyper-segregated.” “Segregation of races and ethnic groups in Onondaga County mirrors differences in school quality, access to jobs and transportation, housing options and other opportunities, she said.” Post-Standard
In NYC, payphones to be converted to Wi-Fi hotspots. Beginning next year, thousands of pay phones in the city will become free Wi-Fi hotspots. New York Times
Democrat & Chronicle Editorial – Despite more controversy, Obamacare has helped millions, here in NY and across the country.
Press & Sun Bulletin Letter to the Editor by Stanley Scobie – Broome County election numbers show clear referendum against fracking.
Klein pushing for same leadership deal. Senator Skelos is so far noncommittal about what the co-leadership arrangement will look like, though it’s clear that both sides want to work something out. Capital New York