By flickr user wistony
Charter cap changes aren’t necessary right now. Two top education officials, Commissioner King and Senate Education Chair Flanagan, said there isn’t an immediate need to raise or eliminate the charter cap, which is expected to be a key topic during next year’s session. Capital New York
Suspensions are a problem in Syracuse too. “The AG’s office investigation found black students are twice as likely as white students to be disciplined – a statistic matched in Rochester.” Post-Standard
Obama will announce immigration plans in 8pm national address. Up to 5 million people could be protected from deportation. Associated Press
29 CEOs got paid more than their companies paid in taxes. “But the heavyweight champion of corporate tax refunds is JPMorgan Chase, which earned more than $17 billion in 2013 in pre-tax income. Their tax “payment” took the form of a $1.3 billion refund.” The Nation
Ravitch calls for gas tax. To pay for infrastructure and transportation needs, former Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch suggested New York increase its gas tax. But, Gov. Cuomo doesn’t want to raise taxes. Newsday
Democrat & Chronicle Editorial – Responding to Metro Justice’s report, the D&C agrees that suspensions are overused.
Duffy gets new job, NYPIRG questions ethics. After Lt. Gov. Duffy announced yesterday he’ll be the new head of the Rochester Business Alliance, NYPIRG suggested that he should have gotten ethics guidance from JCOPE. Gannett
Who’s the next Senate Dems leader? NY Senator Schumer has long been considered next in line, but he might get passed over by Elizabeth Warren. Politico