By flickr user mattchamplin
President Obama announced a major immigration policy shift that will prevent the deportation of millions. New York Times
–Make the Road NY held a watch party last night. Latin Post
–The new policy doesn’t cover everyone. Daily News
–Make the Road members authored a number of Op-Eds. Newsday The Hill Americas Quarterly
–Mayor De Blasio will host a mayors’ summit on immigration at Gracie Mansion on December 8th. Daily News
At least 350 schools are within a mile of railroad tracks that carry oil trains. Groups are pushing regulators to bolster emergency response plans. Democrat & Chronicle
NY needs Paid Family Leave. Citizen Action’s Blue Carreker authored this blog about how her life own experiences could have been different if she had paid family leave. Momsrising.org
De Blasio Recommits to Rikers Fixes. Changes in discipline policies, major changes in leadership staff, and facilities upgrades are part of the reforms being implemented. Capital New York
Racist tweets lead to suspensions at Albany High. The actions are indicative of a climate of racial divide in Albany. Times Union
Schneiderman to look at voter turnout. In the wake of embarrassingly low turnout in New York’s recent election, AG Schneiderman said yesterday that his office will be investigating what is keeping people from voting. Daily News
Vox Op-Ed by Lenore Palladino & Sean McElwee of DEMOS – New York already has a stock transfer tax on the books. It just needs to be collected.
Christie aid resigns amid campaign finance questions. “In recent months, campaign finance documents revealed that under Grady’s leadership, the state has awarded lucrative pension management contracts to hedge fund, private equity, venture capital and other so-called “alternative investment” firms whose executives made campaign contributions to Christie’s campaign, his state party, the Christie-led Republican Governors Association and the Republican National Committee.” International Business Times
Capital Tonight last night (TWC login required): Eric Schneiderman on his second term. Ron Deutsch on new role as ED of Fiscal Policy Institute.