Have you guys been following this Trump stuff? Holy cow, it is really getting ridiculous! This week we learned that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian publicist to get “dirt on Hillary Clinton.” While that seemed like it would be the craziest piece of news, papa bear, aka the President, did a mind blowing interview with the New York Times. How bad was it, you ask? Well, the orange man bashed his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, then tried to imply that former FBI Director, James Comey, attempted to blackmail him with the “pee tape.” You couldn’t ask for more drama in an episode of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. What has been your biggest takeaway this week? Did anything catch your eye? If so, I would love to hear about it. While you think about that, here’s what we have been up to.


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How Much Are They Paying You, Stefanik? Concerned citizens delivered a wheelbarrow full of money bags and held a press conference in front of Rep. Elise Stefanik’s office to explain how big money interests fund her campaigns. Many millionaires and billionaires would greatly benefit from the Trumpcare bill that Rep. Stefanik voted for. Stefanik supported the bill despite overwhelming opposition from her constituents and a Congressional Budget Office report that estimated 24 million people would lose their health insurance coverage.

We’re Back at Faso.
With millions of people’s health care people at risk, John Faso will have the opportunity to vote no on the Affordable Care Act repeal. Will he? Well, that’s up to us. That’s why we were in front of his office today. And would you believe it, Faso isn’t too happy about that. He keeps sending paid protesters to shout at us, but the problem is no one wants to support him. So instead of actual people, we just get a bunch of U-Haul trucks parked in front of his office, and a random guy with a Donald Trump flag and a dirty mullet staring out at us from his old Firebird. I guess you gotta protest somehow.


Remember when we had a President who knew how to read and didn’t brag about how attractive his daughter is? Yeah, I miss him too. I miss him so much, I wrote about him. Check it out. Click here to read more.


Long Island.com Starting January 1, 2018, Paid Family Leave will provide employees with wage replacement and job protection to help them care for a child or close relative with a serious health condition, or help relieve family pressures when someone has deployed abroad on active military service. Click here to read more.


July 26. Interested in getting involved in your community to make a difference? Join us at our monthly chapter meeting. If you are already a member, this is a chance to plug into new opportunities and learn about the organization. Click here to RSVP

Aug 2. Citizen Action of New York Southern Tier, Working Families Party and our allies cordially invite you to attend our… Volunteer Appreciation TROPICAL THEMED COOKOUT! Click here to RSVP

Aug 12. Join us for a Rally and March in Kingston, NY to tell John Faso: Don’t you dare vote for a budget that cuts Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security! Click here to RSVP 


We’re recruiting hundreds of volunteers to speak with each and every one of their neighbors about what’s going on in Washington. This summer, we’ll be hitting doors across the state. Click here to support.

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