Dear Activists,
Thousands showed up at the Capital on Monday to march for real climate solutions. The next day the Assembly passed the Climate and Community Protection Act for the third straight year (by an enormous margin), and the Governor finally called for a ban on plastic bags. It’s our activism that’s keeping those in power accountable. But we’ll need your help to keep that energy and pressure going through the rest of the legislative session.
– Ravi
Community activists from across the state joined at the Capital to march for climate justice. They called on the Governor to commit to 100% renewable energy, end all fracking infrastructure, and make corporate polluters pay for poisoning our environment. The day of action culminated with a sit-in inside the Capitol Building.

In Rochester, activists picketed outside the Spectrum offices in response to the company’s recent attempts to tear down a homeless encampment. (Earlier in the week, one of our organizers was arrested trying to protect residents of the encampment.) Since Governor Cuomo took office, homeless has risen in New York State by 36% and housing groups anticipate that 100,000 will be without a home by 2020.

Our NYC Campaign Manager Stanley Fritz joined the Max & Murphy podcast to talk about state politics and the Governor’s race.
FROM THE BLOG: “Isn’t It Time We Had a Governor We Can Trust?” by Karen Scharff
“For eight years Governor Cuomo has asked New Yorkers to put our trust in him, and he has repaid that trust by starving our public schools of funds, letting our democracy crumble, and helping wealthy CEOs and hedge funders get even richer at the expense of the rest of us. These things didn’t happen by chance. They happened because Governor Cuomo chose to pad the bank accounts of his rich corporate donors instead of standing up for working people in our state. New Yorkers have had enough of the backroom deals and broken promises.” READ FULL POST AT MEDIUM
Ballston Spa – Saturday, April 28th at 8 am – Elitists for Elise Victory Breakfast – A protest outside the “victory breakfast” at the Ballston Spa Country Club for GOP officials and their donors. RSVP on Facebook
Kingston – Saturday, April 28th at 10 am – Federal Fight Back – A spring kickoff event for community canvassing in the Hudson Valley. RSVP on Facebook
Utica – Tuesday, May 1st at 6 pm – May Day Celebration – An evening of music, dancing, speakers, films, and activism in celebration of May Day. RSVP on Facebook
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
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