Dear Activist,
Tax Day is almost upon us. Or “Skip Day” as it’s known to members of the billionaire class. The richest 0.5% avoid paying $50 billion in taxes every year. That’s enough to fund universal pre-K and dramatically increase funding for our highest-need public schools. So get ready to unleash your #TaxTheRich hashtags on Monday.
– Ravi
Citizen Action leaders came from all around the state to demand real climate justice in New York. We’re fighting for the Climate and Community Protection Act, which would move us toward 100% renewable energy, create tens of thousands of good-paying jobs, and invest in low-income communities struggling with worsening pollution, flooding, and other effects of climate change.

Following the climate rally, we joined with tenants and housing advocates to demand tenant protections and rent stabilization across New York. Skyrocketing rents are pushing families out of their homes and displacing entire communities.

In Rochester, local tenants, community leaders, and the homeless observed 89 seconds of silence in recognition of the more than 89,000 homeless New Yorkers.

Candidate endorsements are beginning to roll in. Our Buffalo chapter has been hard at work interviewing candidates and reviewing questionnaires. Thankfully, they have super comfortable hoodies to work in. #HoodieLife

The Long Island Progressive Coalition will be holding their 40th Anniversary Gala on Thursday, May 2nd. RSVP today!

Albany – Saturday, April 13th at 10 am – Environmental and Climate Justice Forum – Hear about the climate crisis from survivors of Hurricane Maria . RSVP on Action Network
Binghamton – Saturday, April 13th at 11 am – Carlisle Community Easter Party – Family-friendly Easter celebration and egg hunt. RSVP on Facebook
Binghamton – Sunday, April 14th at 2 pm – Northside Community Easter Party – Family-friendly Easter celebration and egg hunt. RSVP on Facebook
Utica – Monday, April 15th at 4 pm – Tax the Rich (We Don’t Really Want to Have to Eat Them) – Rally for higher taxes on the rich to fund our public schools. RSVP on Facebook
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
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