Dear Activist,
Tenants came out in full force this week to demand an end to the senseless evictions and sky-high rents. We have 9 bills to pass and 28 days to pass them. Our elected leaders have a choice to make: either they can stand with the billionaire developers who are profiting off the housing crisis or they can fight for everyday people struggling to make rent. Which side is it going to be?
– Ravi
Over one thousand tenants filled the streets and hallways of the Capitol on Tuesday. They came from all across the state, because they’re tired of predatory rent hikes and negligent landlords. It’s time to put people before profit!

Our leaders joined the parole justice day of action in Albany. Aging people who have served their time deserve the opportunity to be reunited with their families, rather than suffer death behind bars.

Several New York Giants stars popped up in Binghamton to raise awareness about mass jailing and mass incarceration. Broome currently has the highest incarceration rate of any county inNew York State.

On May 13th, 1968, one million people marched through the streets of Paris in protest of capitalism and American imperialism. Student uprisings led to wildcat strikes, with roughly 11 million people participating in the actions.

Citizen Action’s annual Justice Works conference will held on July 20th and 21st in Albany. Join hundreds of other organizers and activists and help build our movement.

Albany – Saturday, May 18th at 3 pm – End Courtroom Injustice – A conversation on the recent pretrial reforms and what DAs and judges can do to end mass incarceration. RSVP on Facebook
Albany – Wednesday, May 22nd at 6 pm – Housing, Education, and Racial Justice Community Forum – Screening followed by a community discussion on housing and education. RSVP on Action Network
Mineola – Thursday, May 23rd at 10:30 am – Time is Running Out: #PassTheCCPA – Press conference and rally in support of the Climate and Community Protection Act. RSVP on Facebook
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
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