Dear Activist,
A new study shows the Trump tax cuts did nothing except boost the riches of the billionaire class (surprise, surprise). Decades of tax cuts have only turbo-charged inequality, and it’s time for our elected leaders to stand up and demand that the super rich pay their fair share, and that those funds go toward rebuilding our communities and economy.
– Ravi
With only a few weeks remaining in the legislative session, we joined our allies from across the state in calling for marijuana legalization, housing justice, an end to prolonged solitary confinement, and school discipline reform. These bills have widespread support and it’s time to get them passed.

Our leaders in the Capital District spoke out at a public hearing on paid sick days legislation in Albany County. All workers in New York State deserve paid sick day protections. Right now we’re only one vote away from getting this critical bill passed.

On May 30th, 1969, oil workers engaged in mass protest in Curaçao, which helped to spur the Afro-Caribbean civil rights movement.

Citizen Action’s annual Justice Works conference will held on July 20th and 21st in Albany. Join hundreds of other organizers and activists and help build our movement.

Rochester – Saturday, June 1st at 9:30 am – Reversing Runaway Inequality – Interactive workshop on rising inequality in the United States. RSVP on Action Network
Utica – Saturday, June 1st at 5 pm – Fish Fry Dinner – Fish fry fundraiser for the Central New York chapter of Citizen Action. RSVP on Every Action
Binghamton – Thursday, June 6th at 6 pm – Phoenix Awards – Award banquet and fundraiser for the Southern Tier chapter of Citizen Action. RSVP on Every Action
Buffalo – Thursday, June 6th at 4 pm – Housing Justice Community Forum – A community forum on the effects of the housing crisis on Buffalo tenants. RSVP on Action Network
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
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