Dear Activist,
I’m Charli, the Regional Communications Coordinator housed in the Capitol District. I’m excited to give you all the latest tea here at Citizen Action and want to thank Ravi for introducing me!
This week we showed the importance of reflecting on our history in connection to the current struggles of oppressed communities. We were reminded that even when our legislators drop the ball and sugar coat about the change that is needed we MUST NOT let up on the truth.
– Charli
This week we kicked down the door of the Capitol in celebration of Juneteenth! Juneteenth is the oldest celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19th, 1865, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, African-Americans were released from enslavement in Galveston, Texas.It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, family gatherings, and call to action focused on seeking liberation.
More than 150 years later, the fight for emancipation and true liberation continues.

This Juneteenth, we reflected on what true liberation looks like in New York State.
Yesterday we called on Governor Cuomo and the New York State legislature to show their commitment to ending mass criminalization by passing crucial legislation, this session. Issues include: marijuana legalization (MRTA), ending solitary confinement (HALT Solitary Act), police accountability & transparency (SaferNY Act), transforming community supervision (Less Is More Act), ending to the school to prison pipeline (Solutions Not Suspensions), TGNC rights (Repeal Walking While Trans Law), parole justice and a fair and fully staffed parole board.
Here are some glorious pictures from this event:

A “die-in” was held in front of Governor Cuomo’s office during this demonstration.

Talk about applying pressure…

Yesterday evening, we headed to Schenectady County Jail for our Juneteenth Speak Out.Schenectady County ranks the worst in the state for cannabis-related arrests, with Blacks 74 times more likely to be arrested despite using the substance at similar levels as Whites.

Citizen Action of New York, Center for Law and Justice, VOCAL-NY and NYCLU were calling for state, local and federal lawmakers to continue to pursue progressive reforms, including the elimination of solitary confinement.
As activists, the work that we do is personal, emotional, and can impact our overall health. That’s because this work not only serves us but lays the groundwork for future generations to come. It’s essential that in fighting for good causes, we remember to take care of our ourselves! Here is my Self-Care for Activists tip for you:
You are allowed to start small and no matter what, you are needed!
Citizen Action’s annual Justice Works conference will held on July 20th and 21st in Albany. Join hundreds of other organizers and activists and help build our movement.

Capital District – Saturday, June 22nd at 11:00 am -Canvass Day of Action- we’ll be meeting at the Citizen Action Office to canvass for our top priority candidates.RSVP on Facebook
Rochester-Saturday, June 22nd at 9:30 am-Be My Vote-Students will partner with experienced activist to knock on doors and ask voter”to ‘be my vote”. RSVP on Facebook
Buffalo – Wednesday, June 22nd at 10:00 am – Anti-Racism in Buffalo-During our Racial Justice Workshop, we will discuss the different levels of racism, anti-racism, diversity and how to create change for our local communities. RSVP on Action Network
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
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