Dear Activist,

We’re excited to meet all of you and we know it’s going to be epic epic! (Yes there are two epics here on purpose).
This week we rolled out our #DEMANDJUSTICE Committees! We’ll be fighting to break cycles and systems that keep mass incarceration alive and focus on repairing the destruction to our most harmed communities! Our focus is to transform the Justice System by creating solutions NOT suspicions. Here’s what some of our planning looks like in the Hudson Valley:
It’s nothing like when good planning comes together.

Great thinking faces!
It’s going to be amazing to see what we create together at Justice Works this weekend!
Although this has been a busy week wrapping up this for the Conference, please understand that we are consistently in motion!
We need to end mass incarceration and criminalization, fundamentally transform the justice system and repair the harm done to our communities by investing in schools, not jails.
We look forward to sharing highlights from this weekend with you next week!

Citizen Action’s annual Justice Works conference will held on July 20th and 21st in Albany. Join hundreds of other organizers and activists and help build our movement.
Albany – Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:00-9:00 pm – Albany Post-Legislative Session- Please join VOCAL-NY’s Albany Chapter and Citizen Action New York’s Capital District Chapter as we co-host a community wide Post-Legislative Session Debrief! (Let’s also use this as an opportunity to celebrate all the hard work and unrelenting dedication displayed by the community up until the final hours of the session!) RSVP on Facebook
Buffalo – Tuesday, July 23rd at 5:30 pm -Culturally Responsive School Curriculum- Join us inexamining Buffalo School District curriculum, and rate it from “culturally responsive” to “culturally destructive”. We will be using a scorecard that will examine how students should learn, what they should learn, and how curriculum can be transformed to engage students effectively. RSVP on Facebook
Albany- Mondays, July 15th 6:00-9:00 pm – August 12th, 6:00-9:00pm – Blackout Festival Auditions – Free food, games, music, and activities. Volunteer info will be provided for those looking to get involved in community organizing. RSVP on Facebook
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
Want daily updates and live footage of our events and actions? We can make that happen (I know a guy). Click here to follow us on Twitter and get real-time updates. If you’re looking for cool articles, memes, and a little conversation, like our Facebook page here.
As activists, the work that we do is personal, emotional, and can impact our overall health. That’s because this work not only serves us but lays the groundwork for future generations to come. It’s essential that in fighting for good causes, we remember to take care of our ourselves! Here is my Self-Care for Activists tip for you:
Schedule your self-care time, and guard that time with everything you have.