Dear Activist,
It was exciting to put faces to names at Justice Works this past week. I hope to see more of you soon!
This past week we worked hard to pull off Justice Works 2019! After weeks of planning, executing, and collaborating with leaders we met in Albany, NY reciving a full world of knowledge.
If you missed it, here are some of our highlights:
It was a packed packed (yes, I hope you get the hint by now) house:

I spy Charlie Albanetti
We took a few deep breaths and listened to some amazing lessons:
- When we tell incomplete stories we get incomplete solutions! – Charlene Carruthers
- Justice requires healing!
- HOPE is not a strategy!– Joshunda Sanders
- The Census is not supposed to count Americans, it’s supposed to count people living in America!– Ari Berman
- We need to challenge oppression now more than over!– Barbara Smith
- Don’t take up space!– A mood we’ll get to in a bit. (Another view)
In a #HATEFREEZONE where hundreds of were fighting for justice, we learned that even in the most progressive spaces for change, there’s always an opportunity for us to #DOBETTER.
Each space we enter, we must think about our worldviews and how it impacts our understanding of the oppression and suppression of disenfranchised people. Justice Works isn’t about catering to the systems and the emotions that keep the status quo in place. It’s about breaking down those walls, checking yourself and your privilege each time you decide to show up to a room and be present for “Justice”.

Albany-August 24th at 12pm-6pm-Jenning Landing- The Blackout Festival is a love letter to our community! It is our iteration of Black August, a commemoration of Black resistance movements and the fight for our liberation! RSVP on Facebook
Rochester- Friday, July 25th at 1:00-8:30pm -Registration Drive for Be The Power Awards – We will be hosting a registration drive at the Citizen Action office located at 515 State St, NY 14609 for those who wish to purchase their tickets for the Be The Power Awards in person. RSVP on Facebook
Buffalo – Thursday, August 8th at 6:00pm – Game Night- Join us for a night of fun. Come out and let’s unwind, destress and get a chance to build new connections. RSVP on Action Network
Binghamton – Sunday, August 4th at 6:00 pm – When They See Us Public Screening- Please join us for this month-long series of film screenings and community discussions focused on our local and national incarceration crises. Screenings will feature the critically acclaimed docu-series “When They See Us,” examining the Central Park Five, with commentary from individuals directly impacted by mass incarceration. RSVP on Facebook
Albany- Mondays, July 15th 6:00-9:00 pm – August 12th, 6:00-9:00pm – Blackout Festival Auditions – Free food, games, music, and activities. Volunteer info will be provided for those looking to get involved in community organizing. RSVP on Facebook
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
Want daily updates and live footage of our events and actions? We can make that happen (I know a guy). Click here to follow us on Twitter and get real-time updates. If you’re looking for cool articles, memes, and a little conversation, like our Facebook page here.
As activists, the work that we do is personal, emotional, and can impact our overall health. That’s because this work not only serves us but lays the groundwork for future generations to come. It’s essential that in fighting for good causes, we remember to take care of our ourselves! Here is my Self-Care for Activists tip for you:
#DONTTAKEUPSPACE. If you call yourself an activist and you’re passionate about fighting for issues, especially as it relates to the racial justice lens #CHECK how you show up for justice! Be open to when people check you because as activists we have more learning to do.