Citizen Action of New York, Open Buffalo and Advocates Call on Buffalo Legislature to Make the Wealthy Pay What They Owe

by | Oct 7, 2024 | Press Releases

Buffalo, NY – Yesterday, Citizen Action of New York, Open Buffalo, advocates, and community leaders came together to hold a press conference in support of the Invest in Our New York Act — a suite of widely popular policies that seeks to ensure ultra-wealthy New Yorkers and corporations pay their fair share and invest the newly generated public dollars into essential programs and services like affordable housing, public education and addressing the climate crisis. 

This press conference was one of four coordinated events across New York calling on Governor Hochul and the state legislature to make millionaires, billionaires, and highly profitable corporations pay their fair share and fund our communities.

In the past year alone, Buffalo lawmakers increased property taxes by over 4 percent to pay for some of our city’s most basic services, like increased snow removal – thanks to climate crisis-style blizzards. The city still faces potential cuts to essential services in the near future, with some city leaders crossing their fingers that the budget shortfall can be filled in by money from casinos and cannabis sales. Buffalo residents deserve stability in the programs and services that help make ends meet and even get ahead. Across the state, Citizen Action of New York has introduced resolutions that support the Invest in Our New York Act –– because New Yorkers shouldn’t have to wait one more day for the resources and support they deserve. By making the extremely wealthy pay what they owe, we can fully fund our public services, protect our communities from climate catastrophes, keep our schools fully funded, and lift up every Buffalonian.

“The wealthiest New Yorkers are dodging taxes while cities like Buffalo are being left behind. Public schools are underfunded, affordable housing is out of reach for too many, and the climate crisis is threatening the future of our neighborhoods. This is unacceptable,” said Niasha Hamilton, Community Organizer at Citizen Action of New York. “We need bold action from our legislators to pass the Invest in Our New York Act, and we will keep fighting until the wealthy pay their fair share. If we don’t act with urgency, we risk deepening the disparities that have held Buffalo back for far too long.”

“This isn’t about punishing the wealthy—it’s about fairness! It’s about making sure that Buffalo gets the resources we need,” said Ashely M. Hardy, Member of Citizen Action of New York. “It’s time for our elected officials to stand with us and pass the Invest in Our New York Act so we can rebuild our communities.” 

“The people of Buffalo have always stepped up for each other, making sure we’re fed, cared for, and supported. But now, our resources are running thin,” said Franchelle Parker, Executive Director of Open Buffalo. “It’s unacceptable that in one of the wealthiest states in the nation, we’re still asking why the East Side only has one grocery store. We can do better. The wealth is in Wall Street and the pockets of the ultra-wealthy—and it’s now time to invest it in our communities.”

The Invest in Our New York Act is a comprehensive legislative package designed to reform New York’s tax system and reverse decades of underinvestment in the services that working families across New York rely on. 

In 2021, Invest in Our New York (IONY) led the charge to raise taxes on millionaires and billionaires and we won over $10 billion in new recurring revenue. Those dollars went to increasing funding for our public schools, keeping people housed during the pandemic, and expanding access to unemployment benefits for working-class New Yorkers.