Citizen Action of New York Applauds the City of Poughkeepsie Common Council for Passing Invest In Our New York Resolution

by | Feb 19, 2025 | Hudson Valley, Press Releases, Revenue

Poughkeepsie, New York – Citizen Action of New York celebrates the City of Poughkeepsie Common Council and lead sponsor Councilmember Chris Grant for taking a bold stand for economic justice by passing a resolution in support of the Invest in Our New York (IONY) Act. This victory is a major step forward in the movement to ensure the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share to fund public education, affordable housing, healthcare, and climate initiatives.

Poughkeepsie is the latest municipality in the Hudson Valley region to support the IONY campaign, following in the footsteps of Newburgh and New Paltz. The growing support from local governments sends a clear and unified message to state lawmakers that communities across the region are demanding economic policies that prioritize working families over the wealthy elite.

“As the lead sponsor of the Invest in Our New York resolution, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the members of the Poughkeepsie Common Council for your courageous leadership in passing this vital measure,” said Councilmember Chris Grant (Ward 6). “Your commitment to advocating for our community by calling on New York State to raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy is a significant step toward ensuring that local cities like Poughkeepsie can meet the pressing needs of our constituents. The increased revenue from this initiative would have the ability to empower us so that we may fund essential programs and services that working people rely on to thrive, creating a brighter and more equitable future for all residents. Thank you for standing up for our community and making a difference.” 

“Hudson Valley is leading the charge for a fairer New York,” said Isaiah Fenichel, Lead Organizer of the Hudson Valley Chapter at Citizen Action of New York. “Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, and New Paltz are showing the rest of the state what real leadership looks like—putting people over profits and demanding that the wealthiest pay their fair share. Meanwhile, Assembly Member Jacobson and Senator Rolison are sitting on the sidelines instead of standing with their communities. Albany lawmakers can no longer ignore that this is what everyday New Yorkers want—it’s time for them to step up or step aside.”

“As a resident of the City of Poughkeepsie, it is so important that we make sure our local institutions are fully funded and able to serve the needs of everyday people,” said John Terwilliger, Ward 3 Resident and Member of Citizen Action of New York. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the Poughkeepsie Common Council for passing the Invest in Our New York resolution. Your commitment to calling on New York State to raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy is a vital step toward ensuring that working people like me can access the support we desperately need to survive.” 

The Invest in Our New York campaign is a statewide effort to pass popular, common-sense revenue solutions that will fully fund essential public services and create a more equitable economy for working families. The passage of this resolution demonstrates growing momentum for economic policies that prioritize everyday New Yorkers over the interests of the wealthy elite.

In 2021, the IONY campaign successfully pushed for tax increases on millionaires and billionaires, securing over $10 billion in new recurring public funds. These funds were used to boost public school funding, prevent evictions during the pandemic, and expand access to unemployment benefits for working-class New Yorkers.

With Poughkeepsie now joining the movement, Citizen Action of New York urges other local governments to pass similar resolutions and put pressure on Governor Hochul and state legislators to adopt the Invest in Our New York Act in full.