by Communications Team | Nov 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
Dear Activists, Election Day is on Tuesday, and I couldn’t be more excited. Election Day is one of my three favorite not-a-federal-holiday-but-should-be-one days, along with Halloween and National Doughnut Day. We all know that turnout dips in off-year...
by Communications Team | Nov 2, 2017 | Press Releases
Albany, NY — In response to the possible House vote reauthorizing the Children’s Health Insurance Program tomorrow, a coalition of New York community groups and health advocates issued the following statement: “House Republicans should be focused on extending and...
by Communications Team | Oct 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
Dear Activists, Just a friendly reminder to be safe this Halloween season. Don’t accept any suspicious treats from Congressional Republicans (especially Reed and Collins, who just voted in support of Trump’s budget trickery). And you may want to steer...
by Communications Team | Oct 26, 2017 | Press Releases, Uncategorized
Albany, NY – In response to the passage of the House budget resolution, Citizen Action of New York Executive Director Karen Scharff issued the following statement: “Today the U.S. House passed a budget resolution that will slash taxes for the wealthy and leave...
by Communications Team | Oct 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
Dear Activists, Yesterday Trump awarded himself a 10 out of 10 for his response to the hurricane in Puerto Rico. (That would be like the Exxon Valdez giving itself a perfect score for oil transport.) There are many people working on the ground, providing food and...