by Communications Team | Aug 7, 2019 | Press Releases
Rochester, NY—In response to a recent media interview with District Attorney Sandra Doorley, Erin George, Criminal Justice Campaigns Director of Citizen Action of New York, has issued the following statement: “Either Sandra Doorley has a poor understanding of the new...
by Communications Team | Aug 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
AROUND THE STATE This week we spent time working on our strategy at our 2019 staff retreat. We’re away from the office but we will be back soon. In the meantime, I hope you checkout our upcoming events below and be sure to attend,...
by Communications Team | Jul 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dear Activist, It was exciting to put faces to names at Justice Works this past week. I hope to see more of you soon! -Charli AROUND THE STATE This past week we worked hard to pull off Justice Works 2019! After weeks of planning, executing, and...
by Communications Team | Jul 25, 2019 | Press Releases
Albany, NY—In response to the historic protests that led to the resignation of Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló, Rosemary Rivera, Co-Executive Director of Citizen Action of New York, issued the following statement: “It is with pride that we watched hundreds of...
by Communications Team | Jul 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dear Activist, JUSTICE WORKS 2019 BEGINS TOMORROW! ARE YOU READY??!! We’re excited to meet all of you and we know it’s going to be epic epic! (Yes there are two epics here on purpose). -Charli AROUND THE STATE This week we rolled out...