Money and Politics This Week

Crossposted from the Brennan Center for Justice’s ReformNY blog For more stories on an ongoing basis, follow the Twitter hashtag #moNeYpolitics and #fairelex NY Campaign Finance 1. A new report issued by NYPIRG identifies a “core group” of 127 donors who each...

Money and Politics This Week

Crossposted from the Brennan Center for Justice   NY Campaign Finance: 1. Today, over 100 organizations that support Fair Elections for New York wrote Governor Cuomo detailing the need for publicly financed campaigns, lower contribution limits, and better...

Money and Politics This Week

Cross-posted from the Brennan Center. For more stories on an ongoing basis, follow the Twitter hashtag #moNeYpolitics NY Campaign Finance News 1. Gov. Cuomo renewed his support for public campaign financing in New York in his recent State of the State address, calling...