We need a government of, by, and for the people, not the corporations. So the fight goes on to replace corporate-funded elections with Fair Elections! The bad news is that the latest attempt by Congress to block reform of the corporate domination of our political...

End Corporate Control of Elections!

There is no doubt that BP, Wall Street, the health care industry, and other big corporations continue to do untold harm to all of us. Because members of Congress are dependent on these big money political donors, their votes in Congress too often reflect the interests...

Stopping the Circus

You may have caught some of the recent circus on TV where executives from Goldman Sachs, the huge Wall Street corporation, were grilled by members of Congress. Goldman Sachs was a major player in the corporate greed that has brought us the economic recession. But...

Fair Elections Update

Today is April Fools day, but it there is no fooling around when it comes to the damage that recent Court decisions that have done by changing the face of how campaigns are financed. In January, the Supreme Court ruled (Citizens’ United) that corporations were persons...

Don’t Let Our Democracy be Sold!

On Thursday, January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. FEC that corporations have free reign to spend unlimited money on elections, ignoring two decades of precedent. The stakes are high. If big business like health insurance companies, oil...

The Reform Governor? Let’s Hope So!

After a year in state politics like 2009, which included dysfunction, slashing of programs New Yorkers need, and the death of numerous bills designed for the public good, yes, 2010 can be a year of real reform. We won’t win on every issue, but returning our...