The Minimum Wage: Behind the Numbers

Since 1999, the Alliance for a Just Society, a national organization dedicated to addressing economic, racial and social inequities has released an annual Job Gap study on jobs and wages. This year, with the fight for a fairer minimum wage at the center of the battle...

It’s Primary Day

When to Vote New York City Long Island (Nassau & Suffolk counties) Westchester, Rockland, Orange & Putnam counties Erie County (which includes Buffalo): Polls are open from 6am to 9pm. Everywhere else in New York State: Polls are open from 12pm to 9pm. Click...

Rosemary in Ferguson, Day 2: What do we want?

Note: This is the first in a short series of posts by Citizen Action Organizing Director Rosemary Rivera about her time spent in Ferguson, MO. There are two groups that are doing some of the real organizing in Ferguson, Missouri: Organizing for Black Struggle and Lost...