Vote Row E for Every Street!

Our government’s first priority needs to be us, not big money corporations and their lobbyists. When it comes to health care, education, and jobs, the strength of our communities depends on our elected representatives fighting for Every Street, Not Wall Street!...

The American DREAM

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that he would include the DREAM Act as an amendment to the Department of Defense authorization bill, set to come to the floor of the Senate this week. Here’s what President Obama had to say about it: Now,...

Round Two

While the media, pundits, and politicians will all offer their own perspectives on what last night’s election means, one thing is very clear to me: our movement is strong. Eric Schneiderman’s victory in the Democratic Primary for New York State Attorney...

It’s Primary Day!

Today is New York’s primary elections, and all of our offices are bustling with volunteers working to get out the vote. If you’re not sure where to vote, click here to look up your registration. Visit our Get Out the Vote Central to see how you can help...

Our Picks for the 2010 Primary

Today, we announced our endorsements for the 2010 primary election. We’ll be announcing more endorsements in the coming weeks for the general election. Here’s the list: New York City: Congress: Rep. Carolyn Maloney (CD14) State Senate: Senator Bill Perkins...

Gustavo Rivera Represents Every Street

Today, we are endorsing Senate candidate Gustavo Rivera for the 33rd Senate District.  This district is now represented by Pedro Espada, who despite being under investigation, has yet again failed to submit campaign finance reports.  Of course, Espada is more infamous...