You know something? I think I was inspired by Donald Trump. I know it seems silly, but Trump is going to be the next president of the United States. We’re talking about a 70-year-old man who may or may not know how to read, misspelled the word “unprecedented” in front of an audience of over million people, and thinks that climate change is a “Chinese hoax.” 62 million people chose to give him control of the nuclear codes. If he can be president with literally no experience and questionable brain capacity, why shouldn’t I reach for the stars as well? With that in mind, I am taking my talents to the NBA. I know what you’re thinking: I’m short, round, don’t like to run, and have horrible hand-eye coordination. But so what? This is the Trump era, you don’t need to be good at things to be chosen to do them.
We are a people-powered organization. Support us in the movement for justice!
Worker Rights Matter. On Monday, December 19, we joined striking workings fighting for their right to health insurance and a fair wage. Instead of negotiating with their workers in good faith, Momentive, a chemical company that operates in Waterford, has decided to kick them out of the building and replace them with underpaid and unqualified replacements. To make matters worse, the same company that is refusing to negotiate in good faith is spending thousands of dollars on security in an effort to break the striking women and men demanding fair treatment. We will not let the one percent steal good paying jobs from our friends and allies.
Take a Stand on Climate. On December 22, the Long Island Progressive Coalition joined activists, organizers, and climate leaders in Hauppauge to call on Governor Cuomo to pass the Climate and Community Protection Act. By mandating that New York move away from fossil fuels and invest in clean renewable energy, we will strike a major blow to big oil while creating new opportunities for jobs as well as green investments in communities that need it the most.
March for Immigrant Justice. On December 18, the Hudson Valley Chapter took to the streets to stand up for our undocumented allies. With six weeks before the inauguration of President-elect Trump, Hudson Valley members joined a mass mobilization of communities for the fight ahead. The United States has always been the land of immigrants, and we will not let Donald Trump change that.

What is the Campaign for Fiscal Equity? How does it affect your schools? Our new video series will explain what this important court case is and how it can help our public schools. Find out what your school is owed. Click here to find out.
There were many surprises on Election Day across America, including an apparent upset in New York state’s 8th Senate District. Though ballots were still being challenged in court as the Herald went to press this week, Democrat John Brooks, an unknown candidate with limited resources, appears to have done the impossible, defeating Republican incumbent Sen. Michael Venditto.Check out this awesome op-ed from Long Island Progressive Coalition Executive Director, Lisa Tyson. Click here for more.
Democrat & Chronicle. The Democrat & Chronicle highlighted the awesome work of five amazing Rochesterians, including one of our favorite activists, Brianna Casserly. At only 18 years old, Brianna has already become one of the loudest voices in advocating for quality education. And earlier this year, she participated in a 150-mile march to Albany to demand that the state fully fund our schools. Click here for the story.
Madison County Courier. The Central New York chapter of Citizen Action joined residents to rally against Trump’s plan for climate rollbacks and urged Governor Andrew Cuomo to lead with the state budget. Click here for the story
January 10. From climate justice to affordable housing, equitable school funding to an end to mass incarceration, healthcare for all and fair taxes on the 1% – Albany is failing to act. On Jan. 10, demand an end to business as usual! Click here to RSVP
January 12. Join parents and local education experts to learn about the success stories of community schools in the Capital Region. We’re working to build a community schools vision in the Albany School District with $2.7 million in funding available to the district. Click here to RSVP
January 21. Join millions of people in Washington to advocate for Women’s Rights and protest the Trump agenda. Call the Southern Tier Citizen Action at 607.723.0110. Seats limited.
Voters elected a Democratic majority to the New York State Senate – why are Republicans allied with Donald Trump still in control?! Governor Andrew Cuomo needs to work to unite NY Democrats so our state government can pass forceful, progressive legislation that lifts up working people and stands up to the Trump administration’s radical right-wing agenda. Click here to take action.
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