Dear Activists,
Campaign finance reports came out this week. While Cynthia Nixon has received contributions from 22,000 (!) different small donors, Andrew Cuomo has continued to rely on the rich and powerful to bankroll his campaign. Only 1% of his total haul came from small donors. In fact, the problem is so bad Cuomo faked a grassroots base by getting the roommate of a staffer to donate 69 times in $1, $2, and $3 amounts. When Cuomo says he represents the 99%, just know he’s talking about the billionaire donors that are backing him.
– Ravi
Many of our Citizen Action leaders were in New York City this past weekend to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Working Families Party. The party has spent the past two decades advocating for progressive policy and building grassroots power across the state.

(Bill Lipton, Jimmy Van Bramer, Ben Jealous, Brad Lander, Karen Scharff)
Members from Central New York and the Southern Tier joined in Cortland to protest Ivanka Trump’s visit. She was meeting with business leaders to tout the benefits of the Trump tax scam (the profits of which have been used by corporations to buyback billions in stock).
Long Island Progressive Coalition has been hitting doors and talking to Long Island voters about issues facing the community. (And when they meet someone who isn’t yet a voter, they get them registered!)
On July 19th, 1848, the first women’s rights convention took place in Seneca Falls, New York. 200 women participated in the two-day convention. The event was the impetus for the women’s suffrage movement.
Albany – Monday, July 23rd at 12 pm – Paid Sick Days Rally and Press Conference – Join in support of paid sick days for all Albany County workers. RSVP on Facebook
Massapequa – Monday, July 23rd at 6:30 pm – Ensuring Your Legacy: Succession Planning & Worker Ownership – Retiring business owners can learn how to sell their businesses to their employees. RSVP on Facebook
Albany – Tuesday, July 24th at 6 pm – 13th Community Viewing and Discussion – Watch and discuss the documentary 13th, which explores the path from slavery to mass incarceration. RSVP on Facebook
Kingston – Tuesday, July 24th at 5:30 pm – Hudson Valley Chapter Member Meeting – Socialize and help determine priorities for the local chapter. RSVP on Facebook
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
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