Dear Activists,
Magical things are happening in Albany. Without the IDC to kneecap progress, bills are actually moving. In three days, we passed GENDA and a host of key voting reforms. This was possible because a handful of insurgent candidates and their progressive allies had the courage—or gall (take your pick)—to challenge the status quo in Albany. We will continue to push for big reforms this session—and not be afraid to stand up to those who block progress.
– Ravi
On Monday, over 500 people traveled to Albany from all across the state to demand an end to mass incarceration and fair funding for our public schools. #SchoolsNotJails

The next day we joined our progressive allies in calling for a “People’s Platform” that puts communities before corporations. You can read the platform demands here.
Our Capital District leaders are gearing up for the Women of Color March on Saturday, in coordination with events happening all around the globe. There is still time to RSVP to attend.

Are you following our new Co-Executive Directors Rosemary Rivera and Jessica Wisneski on Twitter? You can!
This concludes our brand new Friday (well, Thursday) Follow feature.
Kingston – Thursday, January 17th at 5:30 pm – Fair Elections Committee Meeting – Get involved with the campaign for #FairElections in New York State. RSVP on Facebook
Binghamton – Thursday, January 17th at 6 pm – Binghamton Community Power Meeting – Engage and educate the community on clean energy. RSVP on Action Network
Rochester – Saturday, January 19th at 11 am – Black Lives Matter at Schools Meeting – Planning for February’s BLM at school events. RSVP on Facebook
Utica – Saturday, January 19th at 11 am – Women’s March Utica – Annual Women’s March in coordination with events around the globe. RSVP on Facebook
Albany – Saturday, January 19th at 12 pm – Women of Color March and Rally – March led by the Capital District WoC Committee and allied PoC groups. RSVP on Action Network
Citizen Action of New York is building local power across New York State. Join us by becoming a sustaining monthly member today. Click here to support
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