We Believe in healthy and safe Workplaces

We must organize together to demand that billionaires and the corporate elite build economic equity in our society — equity that promotes independence, safety, creativity, and community wellness. We must move away from the exploitative conditions that leave our communities sick, overworked and underpaid. We all have the innate ability to give and receive care. It is time to create workplaces where workers thrive so our communities can also thrive.

Every New Yorker Deserves a Supportive Workplace

Everyone should have the ability to take care of themselves and their families in the way they decide is best. So we must:

  • Provide affordable child care for every family.
  • Expand paid family and sick leave.
  • Require fair and livable wages for all workers.

Gender & Worker Justice is a part of Our Justice Agenda for 2022. Click here to read the full Agenda and get involved in the fight!

New York State's Workforce Crisis

As social establishments, workplaces influence human behavior by guiding principles in everyday life. Those who control these workplaces — billionaires and the corporate elite — continue to perpetuate societal ideals that place profit over the lives and wellness of workers. Particularly, within these workplaces, white, able-bodied, straight men are at the top of the hierarchy. This structures our society to undervalue and underpay care work — work that many marginalized genders, especially Black and Brown women, have to take in order to survive. This structure also generates the idea that men must take masculine jobs, leaving them to not engage with emotional and mental wellness, and instead focus on production and identify as the “money-maker” above all else. When our workplaces perpetuate guiding principles of exploitation over marginalized genders, we all lose.

New York State's Workforce Crisis

As social establishments, workplaces influence human behavior by guiding principles in everyday life. Those who control these workplaces — billionaires and the corporate elite — continue to perpetuate societal ideals that place profit over the lives and wellness of workers. Particularly, within these workplaces, white, able-bodied, straight men are at the top of the hierarchy. This structures our society to undervalue and underpay care work — work that many marginalized genders, especially Black and Brown women, have to take in order to survive. This structure also generates the idea that men must take masculine jobs, leaving them to not engage with emotional and mental wellness, and instead focus on production and identify as the “money-maker” above all else. When our workplaces perpetuate guiding principles of exploitation over marginalized genders, we all lose.

“Paid sick days should be a basic right of all workers. The lack of paid sick days is especially hard for women and people of color, many of whom are stuck in low-paying industries. This can make it more difficult for them to take care of their own health and the health of their families.”
Ivette Alfonso

President, Citizen Action of New York

Join the Gender & Worker Justice Movement