May I Have More, Please?

by Bjarni Thoroddsson and Jia-Jia Zhu This past weekend was the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus, and several hundred attendees made their centerpoint a march with AQE, Citizen Action, and New York Communities for Change to the Governor’s Mansion in protest of the second...

The Buffalo News Speaks Up

Earlier this week, The Buffalo News joined the majority of New Yorkers in calling for voter-owned publicly financed elections.  The last line of their editorial, I found to be, especially helpful in understanding why voter-owned publicly financed elections are crucial...

Voter-Owned Elections – why not?

As a Citizen Action activist, I have been promoting the concept of voter-owned elections with public financing for several years.  During my 2010 campaign for the NY Assembly, I made it a centerpiece of my reform agenda for Albany.  During my many interactions with...