Faces of Change: Osman Muse

This is the third post in our series, Faces of Change. Click here for the first post. Click here for the second post. This is Osman Muse. Osman moved to the US from Somalia with his parents when he was in the 6th grade. He remembers that when he got here, he felt like...

What We’re Up Against

Okay, this is it. It’s time for us progressive, liberal, or just plain sane people to get mad. I just got back from a meeting with Senator Gillibrand’s staff and they told me a sick, sad story. One of the staffers was returning to the office the other day when she was...

All Politics is Local

We are getting closer to winning real health care reform than we have ever been before. It’s not perfect, true – but we are going to win something. It’s a major battle that we are about to win, with a bit more work! But, it’s really important that we keep in...

My Visit with the President

So I got the call last week asking me if I could be in Albany on Monday (9/21/2009) for a very special event.  I had some hints before that so I knew what was going on – the President was going to be in town.  I worked many, many, many hours as a volunteer on...